Day Eight … Exploring Stewart Island

Today was our “day at leisure” on Stewart Island so it was a chance for us to explore the island a little - but it was certainly not a day of rest. 4 of the group had decided to go on a tour to Ulva Island, one was opting to do her own walks and we decided to hire some e bikes to explore the island, and in doing so complete the only Ad Lab currently in Oban.

After a later start to the day, and a more leisurely breakfast where we were able to spend one on one time with one of our fellow travellers, we headed off to the bike shed to collect our bikes and helmets, be briefed on how to ride them, sign away our life absolving them of any injuries and getting a list of all the best places to travel.

Whilst the island is quite large, only a very small section of it it has roads (not all sealed). Our Ad Lab was going to take us to many of the best scenic viewing spots, historic sites, churches and gardens.

So after a slightly shaky start and some adjustments to seat height, we headed off. E bikes are really fun! Whilst you still need to pedal, travelling up hills is much easier when you get to pop the motor up to ‘Turbo’ 🤣.

We saw the Presbyterian Church located high on the hill, then the bathing beach where locals go during summer to have a wash when the water in the tanks is low. We made a slight navigational error however, which meant we ended up taking our bikes down to the beach (via stairs) and then of course had to get the bikes back up to the road at the other end of the beach (via the next set of stairs). We travelled out to the phone on the tree (trunk call), back to the Moturau Moana Native Gardens. We rode along beside a series of small beaches and inlets and on to Ackers House on the other side of Half Moon Bay. Ackers House was one of the first houses on the island and the Ackers raised 9 children in the one room house sleeping in 5-layer bunks. Our two little travel companions (And Kooky and Womby had a great day out peering out of Ian’s back pack).

Leaving that site we travelled off to our next point, which involved a little cross country jaunt across the rolling green hills of the golf course. Now apparently bikes are not allowed on the course but the guy who owns the bike shop is the Captain of the Club so told us we could go for it if we just looked out for golfers and stayed off the greens. It was a heart thumping ride up the hills but we made it and found our next Ad Lab clue at Wohler's Monument (Ian climbed up to the top to find the answer while I guarded the bikes wink wink). 

Then onwards we travelled on our way to our next clue when ... cue dramatic music ...

I crashed! We were riding up a very steep, gravel road and one minute I'm pedalling like the wind and then the tyres of the bike slipped in the loose gravel and I'm lying on the ground with a bike on top of me. Ian, alerted by my scream, came to my rescue lifting the bike off me. Thankfully, apart from some scratches on my elbows and a wrenched neck, I appear to be okay. I think I'll have some black spots tomorrow. 

After that we rode back to town, at which point when I saw the next hill I baulked and said I wasn't going to the last 2 Ad Lab clues. So my knight in shining armour (and bike helmet) headed off whilst I cycled back down to town to visit the library (where I had a lovely chat with Kirsten the librarian).

Ian arrived back, with positive ticks for the two distant clues. We finished off the Ad Lab with the last clues in town and then ended our jaunt with some riding around the township (we pretty much rode every street). We returned our bikes and headed around to the Kai Kart (the local fish and chips cart) to grab some lunch. We sat in the park next to the kart, devoured our very generous lunch, whilst people watching.

Our afternoon was quite low key. We wandered through the free section of the local museum which had some fascinating stories that had been written based on three women who have lived on the island for many years. It was interesting to read their accounts which were at times sad, poignant and even laugh out loud funny. We then popped next door to the Department of Conservation office for a quick wander through before heading back to our room to do some washing (and to then hunt down the dryer in the hotel), a little relaxing and a little business for Ian.

We finished our day with an ice cream by the water front, again watching the people go by, including a very large group of bird watchers carrying their telescopic binoculars and fancy cameras (as I happily take pictures with my Samsung phone). Dinner in the hotel then back to pack for our early departure tomorrow. The ferry leaves at 8.00 am and we have to be on dock by 7.30. Let’s hope the strait is feeling a little calmer in the morning!

Today’s tally …

Photos taken … 142

Steps walked … 13,891

Kms walked … 10.60 km (although it’s hard to say what the bike ride counted)

Kms ridden … approx 18 (more for my super hero husband)

Ad labs completed … 1


  1. Bikes and gravel do not mix! So glad you were not hurt bad! We rented e-bikes in New Mexico, so fun! Love these pics!


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