Day Eleven … Walking the Hollyford Track

Today was the day that I had been dreading on the whole hiking experience because it was to be a 20 km hike out of Martins Bay Lodge to the end of the road where we were going to be met by Rich again. I’d been trying to psych myself up for it but failed miserably. However, before we get to the actual hike I need to show you the amazing lodge that we stayed at last night and the wonderful breakfast Ben cooked for us this morning.

And so the day began … and boy did it begin well. Guy, our boat captain, had made some arrangements on our behalf as a result of the water level on Lake McKerrow. We were originally to take a jet boat to the end of Lake McKerrow and then along the river before commencing our 20 km hike. However, because the water levels are so low at the moment we couldn’t continue on the boat as far as had been planned and instead would need a second helicopter flight. And wonderful, fabulous, adorable Guy had managed to get Dion to agree to take us to Sunshine Hut not Pykes Hut … which meant over 10 km of the hike was cut off. Yippee … a longer helicopter ride and a shorter walk.

So having landed at Sunshine Hut we had about 8 kms to walk to reach the end of the track. Jack, our guide, took this as an opportunity to teach us more as we walked. For someone so young he is a wealth of information and knowledge. He shared stories about the history of the area, the bush food that we could (and did) eat, as well as explaining the geology of the area, landslips, avalanches and earthquakes. Our walk was more leisurely and enjoyable.

The walk included times where we were in dense beech forest, rough river beds, large rocks that had slipped down and fallen on the path, fungi growing on the trees, all manner of lichen and moss.

Our lunch was beside a rocky river … shaded if you found the right rock. We had delicious sandwiches made by Anne and Ben at the lodge, along with fruit, biscuits, a fruit crumble slice and a bag of scroggin … all of which was scrumptious. The river was cold and it was great to dip your hat in the cold water and take a little respite from being hot from walking.

And then the last push to finish the walk and meet up with Rich again. The final stretch was across boardwalks, a few more bridges and up a long, slow rising hill. The environment there was more grassy than the rocky terrain we had traveled in the first 2/3rds of the walk. Our final cross of a swing bridge brought us to the end where we then had the chance to paddle our feet in the icy river whilst we waited for Rich to appear (who had used his ‘days off’ to go on a few hikes!). We said farewell to Jack and headed back to Te Anau, our home for the night … great to arrive back and have Dianne tell us we were in the same rooms we had last time (Tuesday night). A lovely dinner together at Bailiez … lots of laughter and reminiscing.

And so … tomorrow is the last day of our hiking tour. One last walk left which I have opted out of because I have 2 lovely big, juicy blisters on my little toes which despite being wrapped are very sore. So the group will head off tomorrow to hike the Routeburn Track whilst I remain in Te Anau. I will have a quiet day and hopefully my poor toes can recover!

Today’s tally …

Photos … 265
Steps walked …23,358
Kms walked … 17.88 km
Helicopter ride … 1 extra
Jet boat ride … 1 (in addition to the one the other day)
Track hiked … Hollyford
Blisters on toes … 2 (😳)


  1. Oh you poor girl those blisters look painful! Enjoy your rest day!! Beautiful country! Although I would have opted to walk further rather than get in a heli! You are much braver than I!! And that food! Oh my yum!


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